Our group


The equine Care Group is uniting quality members.

Our goal is to partner up with top level Equine Veterinarians and Equine Hospitals over the world

ECG Medical Care

ECG Reproduction & Fertility

Dental Care

ECG Labs

ECG labs was founded in 2023, this division develops innovative clinically relevant laboratory technologies and perform a range of laboratory analyses. Within this division we will use our expertise to make better and faster diagnoses. Furthermore, we also have a focus within ECG labs in regenerative treatments such as PRP, …

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ECG Nutrition and supplements

The veterinarians within ECG are committed to the well-being of horses and prevention is more than ever a focus. Healthy nutrition is the basis for a long and healthy life, and this is no different with horses. It is therefore our job as equine veterinarians to properly inform horse owners …

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ECG Research & Education

Scientific Research & Education at the Heart of ECG

Scientific research, knowledge sharing, and collaboration are core values of the Equine Care Group (ECG). To strengthen these efforts, we have established a dedicated Research & Education Department within ECG.

Led by Dr. Tatiana Vinardell, DVM, IPSAV, MSc, PhD, …

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