What we're working on

Our projects

New Equine Hospital in Namur

The Equine Care Group build a brand new hospital in Namur which officially opened its doors in june 2023. The hospital is constructed in the middle of a historical domain: ‘Le chateau de Mazy’. It is a beautiful and very peaceful area with a charming lake and some …
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Construction building IV Equitom Lummen

On Sept. 7, 2023, Equitom Lummen officially inaugurated its new expansion in the presence of Minister Jo Brouns.The new facility provides space for 50 additional hospitalized horses and includes two separate rooms for post-operative care. There are also two additional operating rooms: one for standing operations, one …
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New ECG Hospital in the Bourgogne region (France)

The Equine Care Group achieved a terrain of 4 hectares in the Bourgogne region  to develop a complete new Equine Hospital. It  will be a State of the Art infrastructure of 4000 square meters with the newest technologies. The construction will start in January and the opening is planned at the end of 2024.

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New ECG Hospital in the Bordeaux region (France)

The Equine Care Group purchased 21 hectares of terrain to develop a new Equine Hospital in the Bordeaux region near Royan. The construction permit is achieved and we plan to start to build in the near future.
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